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Brain Injury Awareness Month

The purpose of Brain Injury Awareness Month, in March, is to demonstrate the Defense Department’s commitment to traumatic brain injury, or TBI, awareness, and to educate and provide resources about brain injuries to service members, veterans, family members and health care professionals. More than 350,000 Service Members have sustained a Tramatic Brain Injurt since 2000. The Haultail™ Team is always looking for ways to bring awareness to our service members and Veterans as well as support their families! Tramatic Brain Injury effects so many service members that are currently serving our country as well as our Veterans. Thank a veteran and/or a Service Member for their sacrifice to our country. For the month of March D.O.D. members and their families are encouraged to use #ThinkAhead to share their experiance with Tramatic Brain Injury in the Military. The Defence Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Tramatic Brain Injury Outreach Center provides support and information to anyone dealing with a military-related psychological health or TBI issue 24/7. The Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center Offers online education on TBI in a series of continuing webinars.


Support Red Cross Month All of March

Each year, the president of the United States proclaims March “Red Cross Month.” We use this month as a chance to honor and celebrate the everyday heroes who help us fulfill our mission. This March, we encourage you to uncover your inner hero. Choose one or more of the options below. Be a hero today! read more

National Cancer Prevention Month

February is National Cancer Prevention Month. The Haultail™ Team is happy to support the efforts of Cancer Prevention as well as share ways to prevent cancer! Research has shown that more than 40 percent of all cancers diagnosed and nearly half of all deaths from cancer in the United States can be attributed to preventable read more

World Cancer Day is February 4th

World Cancer Day is February 4th! No matter who you are, you have the bower to reduce the impact of cancer for yourself, the people you love and the world! Make a personal commitmnt with #IAmAndIWill. The World Cancer Day campaign for 2019 marks the launch of a 3-year “I Am And I Will” campaign read more

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year Kicks off on January 28th and lasts until Febuary 19th! 2019 is the Year of the Pig! Preperations for the new year begin on January 28th and lasts until New Years Eve on Febuary 4th! This is known as the Little Year. When Chinese new Year officially begins on Febuary 5th and read more

International Childhood Cancer Day

International Childhood Cancer Day (ICCD) which was founded in 2002 by Childhood Cancer International (CCI) is celebrated around the world each year on February 15th. CCI – a global network of 171 member organizations in 88 countries including our member organization is committed to working with its international partners including the World Health Organization, SIOP, read more

We updated our privacy policy as of February 24, 2020. Learn about our personal information collection practices here.