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Future Habits

How to Make Your Future Habits Easy?

Good Habits

People make habits. Habits then make people.

Powerful habits are the key to a successful life. Many people, despite knowing the importance of a good habit, struggle at building one. Sometimes, it is simply procrastination; sometimes, it is lack of focus. So, is it that easy to become consistent at doing anything and convert that into a powerful habit? Not really. However, regardless of how many times you fail at developing good habits, it is still worth trying. It will transform your life.

How to Make Your Habits Easily

  • Reminder – Keeping reminders is one of the best ways to build powerful habits. You can either use your mobile phone or have a short diary to help you remember your to-do’s. There are also several apps to help you achieve this. What you can also do is – have your action items printed on plain white paper and stick that in your room. You can even paste it on your refrigerator or desk. The idea is to have it at places that you frequently visit and are constantly visible to you. The more you remind yourself of it, the better it is.
  • Routine – Routines are nothing but tasks that you do regularly. When you sincerely follow the reminders, you develop routines. These routines will eventually convert into habits. After following these habits for a few months, they will get stronger and that’s what you need to aim for. Strong habits created out of simple routines. 
  • Reward: Human beings work on the principles of rewards and punishment. While some follow the principle of punishment, others adhere to rewarding themselves for their achievements. According to Harvard Business Review, rewards are more effective in motivating people than punishments. Simply because, a prize creates a sense of pride, which results in the zeal to perform better and get more recognition. Therefore, to build powerful habits, always reward yourself earnestly. 
To conclude, habit building is a time-consuming process and requires patience. But it is not unachievable. Just follow the above-mentioned steps and you’ll have built many good habits in the future.  

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