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Haultail® Pick Up Service

Are you looking for a helpful pick up service because you are either too busy or don’t have the time to get it done yourself? Haultail® is happy to offer a premium quality pick-up service so that you can keep on doing what you need to do without sacrificing your priorities. Our pick-up service is read more
Big data can help scientists chart not only the degradation of the environment but also help achieve sustainability, according to a new paper. Lead author Rebecca Runting from the University of Melbourne’s School of Geography says that while we currently have an unprecedented ability to generate, store, access, and analyze data about the environment, these read more
Though carbon emissions have become the talk of the town, electronic waste (or “e-waste”) has crept up and quietly grown to pose one of the largest challenges to environmental sustainability. In fact, we are tossing hundreds of thousands of electronic assets each year. It is easy to blame the biggest companies for prematurely tossing out read more
One of the market’s hottest stocks this year is Tesla Motors (NASDAQ:TSLA). The maker of next-gen electric cars is trading 73% higher in 2020. Larger U.S. automakers are driving in reverse. Ford (NYSE:F) and General Motors (NYSE:GM) have plummeted 47% and 39%, respectively, this year. Tesla bulls will argue that the divergence makes sense because read more
Satellites have been used to detect patches of floating macroplastics in marine environments which could help to aid ocean clean ups. The approach, which uses data from the European Space Agency Sentinel-2 satellites, is able to distinguish plastics from other materials with 86 per cent accuracy and can pick up pieces as small as 5mm. read more
Over a month into the lockdown and the usually bustling streets of Kalamata, a Greek city southwest of Athens traditionally known for its olives, are largely empty. As in the rest of Greece, residents of the coastal city are allowed out only in strict circumstances, including for short exercise and grocery shopping. But discarded gloves, read more

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