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Haultail® Pick Up Service

Are you looking for a helpful pick up service because you are either too busy or don’t have the time to get it done yourself? Haultail® is happy to offer a premium quality pick-up service so that you can keep on doing what you need to do without sacrificing your priorities. Our pick-up service is read more
The US war against coronavirus took a devastating turn this week. But with more people taking social distancing seriously, new modeling predicts the coming months won’t be as dire as initially feared. A record 1,858 deaths were reported in just one day Tuesday. Since the US outbreak started, more than 399,000 people have been infected, read more
Within weeks of the Grand Princess cruise ship arriving off the California coast — an early harbinger of the coming coronavirus pandemic — Gov. Gavin Newsom issued the first statewide mandatory restrictions in the United States. He ordered California’s nearly 40 million residents to stay home to help combat the outbreak, but he didn’t stop read more
With “social distancing” the phrase of the week around the world, the time may have come for communities and governments to embrace drone delivery – not just for speed and convenience, but to protect themselves and vulnerable members. The World Economic Forum has published a blog post highlighting the contributions that drones have made in read more
If there’s anything families around the world are demonstrating as we approach Passover and Easter, it’s the English proverb, “Necessity is the mother of invention.” With people under various restrictions on movement, including stay-at-home orders and self-isolation, families are devising alternative ways to observe the spring holidays. They include streaming online Easter church services, hosting read more
Responding to a lawsuit from environmental groups, the Trump administration has ordered Hawaiʻi officials to examine the impact of plastic pollution on its waters, beaches and wildlife. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency this week notified state officials that it is withdrawing its 2018 approval of the “list of impaired waters” required under the Clean Water read more

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