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Haultail® Pick Up Service

Are you looking for a helpful pick up service because you are either too busy or don’t have the time to get it done yourself? Haultail® is happy to offer a premium quality pick-up service so that you can keep on doing what you need to do without sacrificing your priorities. Our pick-up service is read more
Chinese e-commerce and delivery or courier companies are fast embracing contactless delivery to meet rising demand from health-conscious Chinese consumers who find themselves staying indoors mostly due to the novel coronavirus outbreak. Contactless delivery refers to dropping off take-away food parcels or other packages at a designated pick-up spot in residential communities or on office read more
An EU-funded initiative has taken huge steps towards building a hyper-connected network of logistics hubs and clusters. It will help reduce congestion, noise, land use and pollution. Logistics clusters are crucial for generating growth, employment and competitiveness. If well-established, these geographically concentrated sets of logistics-related businesses and operations, like transport carriers, warehouses and third-party logistics read more
A loophole could let stores hand out plastic bags thick enough to be considered suitable for multiple uses. New York retailers have begun giving up single-use plastic bags as the state prepares for the March 1 implementation of a ban aimed at reducing pollution, but many of those who support a move away from plastic read more
Start with what’s in your fridge I’ve been focusing lately on lowering my carbon footprint and lessening my environmental impact. One area that needed work was the amount of food my husband and I were wasting. It was shameful. But with a bit of thought and a change in the way we plan our meals, read more
We may have just turned the page on a whole new decade, but it’s the same old story so far as the warming climate is concerned. New analysis from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has revealed January 2020 to be the hottest in 141 years of record-keeping, with the four warmest Januaries on read more

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