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Haultail® Pick Up Service

Are you looking for a helpful pick up service because you are either too busy or don’t have the time to get it done yourself? Haultail® is happy to offer a premium quality pick-up service so that you can keep on doing what you need to do without sacrificing your priorities. Our pick-up service is read more
New decade, new you. Right? Well, whether you’re looking to make a change in the new year, or you’re just looking to ring in the new year in a more interesting fashion, there are plenty of alternatives to switch up your New Year’s Eve plans as you wrap up 2019. So forget about that open read more
With stocks rebounding, regulators have reopened a groundfish habitat off the west coast – with environmentalists’ support A rare environmental success story is unfolding in waters off the US west coast. After years of fear and uncertainty, bottom trawler fishermen – those who use nets to catch rockfish, bocaccio, sole, Pacific Ocean perch and other read more
What’s really needed is more green-energy R&D Switch to energy-efficient light bulbs, wash your clothes in cold water, eat less meat, recycle more, and buy an electric car: We are being bombarded with instructions from climate campaigners, environmentalists and the media about the everyday steps we all must take to tackle climate change. Unfortunately, these read more
It’s estimated that about 100 million metric tons of plastic waste has already “leaked” into oceans. The amount increases by 5 million to 15 million tons annually, according to research cited by the International Energy Agency (IEA). We’ve written many stories about plastic wastes and what most countries and government organizations are doing to reduce read more
With extra waste around the holidays, people are quick to throw any paper or plastic into recycling bins. But officials say not everything is recyclable. The bins at the Lucas County Residential Recycling Drop-Off Center in Maumee are already filling up as people start to get rid of all their holiday trash. “I’m just trying read more

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