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Haultail® Pick Up Service

Are you looking for a helpful pick up service because you are either too busy or don’t have the time to get it done yourself? Haultail® is happy to offer a premium quality pick-up service so that you can keep on doing what you need to do without sacrificing your priorities. Our pick-up service is read more
If we assume that just half the US households recycle regularly and spend 10 minutes a week rinsing and setting aside the recyclables, we are looking at over half a billion person-hours of time invested annually. Add to this governmental involvement and subsidies, and recycling may just be the one big thing we do for read more
Study suggests that if climate change continues unabated, there soon won’t be enough snow in northern Alaska for polar bears to dig birthing dens. Polar bears are born into the Arctic winter blind, hairless, and no bigger than a guinea pig. For three months while storms rage and temperatures fall below -40 F, the cubs read more
New research suggests the scale of plastic pollution in our oceans could be a million times worse than previously recorded. The researchers analysed the intestines of tiny filter-feeding invertebrates called salps, finding previously undetected mini-microplastics. Although ocean plastics break down over time, microscopic remnants remain in the water and could enter the food chain. There read more
As much as the holidays are about family and festivities, it can also be a time of great waste, which is some pretty bad news for the planet. After all, how much leftover turkey, stuffing and Yule log can you really eat before it goes bad? How many times can you reuse wrapping paper, tissue read more
Seventy-year-old Sandra Calhoun says she cleans the sewers of the block where she lives in West Philly five times a week during the winter and two times a week in the summer. “I would say 95% of my cleaning is the cleaning of plastic bags. I am pulling plastic bags by the handful,” she said. read more

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