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Haultail® Pick Up Service

Are you looking for a helpful pick up service because you are either too busy or don’t have the time to get it done yourself? Haultail® is happy to offer a premium quality pick-up service so that you can keep on doing what you need to do without sacrificing your priorities. Our pick-up service is read more
Plastics travel on ocean currents and through the air to the far north and accumulate—sometimes inside the animals that live there. GREENLAND SEA, ABOARD THE KRONPRINS HAAKON-On an ice floe in the Greenland Sea, high above the Arctic Circle, Ingeborg Hallanger is vacuuming up plastic. We’re standing on a patch of “fast ice,” so called read more
With Los Angeles recently under siege by wildfires, it’s time for the movie industry to acknowledge our current reality Weare in the golden age of entertainment. The #MeToo movement and increased diversity are changing Hollywood for the better. Prestige television and film are delivering hard-hitting stories tackling racism, inequality, and reproductive rights. After dragging their read more
The region’s leaky waste management systems pose the biggest threat to the world’s biggest plastic polluter’s recycling goals. Coke has restructured its sustainability teams in Southeast Asia to make its targets more achievable, Eco-Business can reveal. Coca-Cola sees Southeast Asia’s leaky waste collection systems as the biggest challenge to meeting its recycling targets in this read more
A recent court ruling in Texas reminds us that enforcement of the Clean Water Act is a crucial part of the plastics fight. On October 15 a federal court approved the largest citizen-suit settlement ever awarded under the Clean Water Act: $50 million. A fourth-generation Texas shrimper, Diane Wilson, used the citizen suit provision of read more
The Tesla pickup needs to be more than a Model X with a truck bed Tesla is set to unveil its pickup this week and it needs to be widely different from its current lineup. The current line of Tesla vehicles share a lot of parts, and, logically, the Tesla pickup will do the same. read more

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