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Haultail® Pick Up Service

Are you looking for a helpful pick up service because you are either too busy or don’t have the time to get it done yourself? Haultail® is happy to offer a premium quality pick-up service so that you can keep on doing what you need to do without sacrificing your priorities. Our pick-up service is read more
It has been a rocky start to life for The Ocean Cleanup’s U-shaped barriers, which it hopes will sweep through the Great Pacific Garbage Patch collecting plastic waste that can be hauled back to shore and recycled. The team is now reporting to have overcome a significant stumbling block, using a novel parachute-anchor mechanism to read more
Kokia drynarioides is a small but significant flowering tree endemic to Hawaii’s dry forests. Native Hawaiians used its large, scarlet flowers to make lei. Its sap was used as dye for ropes and nets. Its bark was used medicinally to treat thrush. But Kokia drynarioides — commonly known as Hawaii tree cotton, or kokio and read more
Electric scooters are the latest urban transportation sensation. Last year alone, Americans took 38.5 million rides on electric scooters. From Los Angeles to Austin to Atlanta, people are now scooting to get around. Scooters are electric, emission-free, and must be replacing gas-guzzling car trips. That has to be good for the climate, right? But a read more
Self-driving and electric cars just don’t stop making headlines lately. Amazon invested in self-driving startup Aurora earlier this year. Waymo, Daimler, GM, along with startups like Zoox, have all launched or are planning to launch driverless taxis, many of them all-electric. People are even yanking driverless cars from their timeless natural habitat—roads—to try to teach read more
Recent projections from American Trucking Association (ATA) indicate that the trucker shortage is expected to double over the next decade. Since more than 70% of the nation’s total freight moves by truck, the impact of this shortage cannot be overstated. “Long-haul trucking is the hardest hit,” said John Kearney, CEO of Advanced Training Systems, a read more

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