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Haultail® Pick Up Service

Are you looking for a helpful pick up service because you are either too busy or don’t have the time to get it done yourself? Haultail® is happy to offer a premium quality pick-up service so that you can keep on doing what you need to do without sacrificing your priorities. Our pick-up service is read more
“It’s a small part of a larger vision around sustainability,” park commissioner says. The Minneapolis Park Board wants to banish disposable plastic straws, utensils, water bottles and other single-use plastics from the events it permits and hosts by requiring contractors to provide sustainable alternatives. Park Board Commissioner Jono Cowgill raised the issue earlier this year read more
The first step to recovery is recognizing you have a problem, so the saying goes. It’s time we face our collective problem: addiction to single-use plastic. Plastic is so central to modern society that it’s nearly impossible to imagine life without it. Single-use plastics make daily tasks more efficient, easier, and just plain convenient. They’re read more
Early-stage driver turnover is increasing overall across the trucking industry, according to Stay Metrics, which offers driver retention tools for motor carriers. The insight comes from an update to its Stay Days Table for the first half of 2019. While truck drivers hired in January 2018 stayed an average of 283 days, drivers hired in read more
The original moon shoot inspired billions. Calling climate action a moon shot isn’t a perfect parallel — but maybe we should try it anyway. Could a “moon shot” for climate change cool a warming planet? Fifty years after humans first left bootprints in the lunar dust, it’s an enticing idea. The effort and the commitment read more
Northeastern professor Aron Stubbins has a mystery to solve: We seem to have misplaced nearly eight million metric tons of plastic. That’s the estimated amount of plastic waste spilling into the world’s oceans each year, yet more than 98 percent of it is unaccounted for. How could it simply vanish? Stubbins has a culprit in read more

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