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Haultail® Pick Up Service

Are you looking for a helpful pick up service because you are either too busy or don’t have the time to get it done yourself? Haultail® is happy to offer a premium quality pick-up service so that you can keep on doing what you need to do without sacrificing your priorities. Our pick-up service is read more
Despite the warnings of our sedentary lifestyles spent staring a screens, too many of us have lost our connection with the world just outside our windows. Here’s how we can reconnect. Today’s technological society keeps people indoors, slaves to their work desks and technology and disconnected with the world we share. However, humans are not read more
Mexico City is poised to usher sweeping changes in how the city uses plastic. The votes in favor of a plastics ban by the Mexico City Congress could have a global effect. The only group that is opposed to this ban is that of plastics’ manufacturer’s lobby. The ban is nothing short of war on read more
The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California claims to have discovered a material with properties that allow it to be recycled endlessly into shapes and colors of any type. America recycles around 10% of the plastic that it uses. One reason for this is that many types of plastics cannot be recycled effectively and hence read more
In May 2019, 180 countries, not including the U.S, signed a UN accord to curb the export of plastic waste to poorer nations. Eight million tons of this waste reaches the oceans and causes incalculable damage to our marine environment. The accord is a legally-binding framework that updates the 1989 Basel Convention for regulating disposal read more
The World Resources Institute released a report Wednesday that proposed reducing beef consumption as one of the strategies to achieve a sustainable food future by 2050. The institute is a global research organization that focuses on issues related to development and the environment. According to the report’s lead author, Tim Searchinger, Americans consume a beef read more

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