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Haultail® Pick Up Service

Are you looking for a helpful pick up service because you are either too busy or don’t have the time to get it done yourself? Haultail® is happy to offer a premium quality pick-up service so that you can keep on doing what you need to do without sacrificing your priorities. Our pick-up service is read more
Each year, more than 40 million aluminum beverage cans find the way to landfills in America. This amounts to more than 120 cans for every American. Aluminum is the most commonly found metal on Earth. It is the third most commonly available element after oxygen and silicon. Bauxite is the most common ore from which read more
By Alex Mardikian Electronic waste, or e-waste, along with plastics and other such non- degradable waste is not just filling up our landfills, it is actually changing the earth’s geology. There is an urgent need to reduce our use of electronic items, reuse to the extent we can, and recycle as much as we can. read more
Plastics are ubiquitous. They are everywhere. A quick look around will inform us that nearly everything we use contains plastic – chairs, pens, brushes, headphones, tables, plates, clothes, bottles, caps…the list is endless. These don’t degrade fully, and after its useful life is over, plastic often ends up in the ocean. Each year, 12 million read more
Consumers have been led to believe that bottled water is a healthy and safe alternative to tap water. But, is this really true? In most cases, bottled water is nothing but tap water in a bottle. It’s not as if bottled water is sourced from pristine, blue pools hidden in the mountains. The current global read more
When it comes to polluting our planet, plastic water bottles are major offenders. Each year, 29 billion water bottles are sold across America.  Approximately, one out of every 6 bottles is recycled. Plastic does not biodegrade. Indeed, it does not even completely degrade. All the plastic that has ever been produced is still around in read more

We updated our privacy policy as of February 24, 2020. Learn about our personal information collection practices here.