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Air Filter Masks

Why You Need an Air Filter Mask ?

Air filter

Get an Air Filter Mask for Yourself and Protect Yourself from Several Health Issues

According to a detailed report by The Lancet on October 19, 2017, low air quality is one of the most significant pollution-related issues. In fact, the Washington Post also reported that approximately 6.5 million died due to respiratory issues. However, it does not get the importance and attention that’s needed. Having said that, anybody who is concerned about his or her respiratory health, can protect themselves using Air Filter Masks.

1. Poor Air Quality Due to Wildfire

It’s no secret that California grapples with wildfires often that affect the land, structures and ecosystem in and around the area. With an air filter mask, you can filter out poor air and prevent yourself from getting affected by such air.

2. Keeps You From Developing Severe Asthma

Based on a World Health Organization (WHO) report, air quality also causes bronchial asthma. It’s a disease with symptoms such as loss of breath and wheezing, and it’s said that these develop usually during childhood. Having air filter masks helps you avoid getting severe asthma.

3. Better than Surgical Masks

The United States Occupational and Health Administration advises the usage of air filter masks over surgical masks. Surgical masks are supposed to be used in more infection-prone areas such as hospitals or operation theatres. However, air filter masks are more appropriate for air in and around our surroundings.

4. Filter Masts Safeguards Immune System

Filter masks safeguard the immune system – according to research by the University of California, Berkeley, and Stanford University. How? Well, according to the report it is not only helpful in reducing asthma but also reduces the functionality of a gene that affects your immune system. So, next time when you have a cold or cough, remember to wear a mask. It’ll only help!

Now you know that an air filter mask is extremely essential to maintain good respiratory health – even without a threat like Covid-19. Whether you use one or not is your choice; however, as per the reports and research by leading medical experts, it always chooses to wear them. So, do not let pollution affect your lungs and physical health.


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