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Don’t wait until you can have access to the waste collection man, Get DemoBags® to properly dispose of all your trash this holiday


Some Louisville residents may have to wait a week before their trash, recycling or yard waste gets picked up following the Labor Day holiday.


For people who live in the Urban Services District, the old city of Louisville boundaries, there won’t be residential pickup on Labor Day, which falls on Sept. 2.


And, in a shift from previous years, they shouldn’t expect a visit the day after, either.


Labor Day is one of four holidays that will be “no collection-no delay” holidays, meaning instead of a one-day delay, affected households will have to wait a week before their pickup, according to the Public Works department website.


The change will apply only to households with normal Monday pickups — and those impacted can expect normal collection to resume the following week.


Residents who don’t typically see garbage, recycling or yard waste collection on Mondays should set out their bins on normal collection days of the week. There will be no one-day delay following Labor Day.


Moving forward, New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Memorial Day will function the same as Labor Day.


But Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day will still see a one-day delay for affected collection. And the collections for the rest of the week will also be delayed by one day.


The change, according to a city press release, is a cost-saving measure because of budget cuts that went into effect on July 1.

The approved budget for public works notes that the department is “eliminating four holiday yard waste collections on Saturdays.” It also eliminated 14 full-time positions and the wet-dry recycling pilot in the central business district.


A spokeswoman for Mayor Greg Fischer said the elimination of the four Saturday pickups in connection with holidays would save an estimated $93,000.


Louisville Metro Council did, however, preserve weekly yard waste and recycling pickup.


Mayor Greg Fischer had proposed reducing pickups in the Urban Services District to every other week and saving $318,000. Instead, the council passed a reduction in personnel costs and reduced the recycling contract for downtown brown carts.


Council members approved their revised spending plan in a 24-1 vote in June.


In the city press release about garbage pickup, officials encouraged residents to use free recycling drop-off locations to mitigate the loss of day-late holiday pickup.


It also notes that residents who rely on private haulers for garbage, recycling and yard waste collection, such as people who live outside the Urban Services District, should consult their haulers about holiday collection.


To find what day your garbage, recycling and yard waste pickup days are, visit and enter your address.


Original story from Courier Journal


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